8kyu syllabus

belt-red8th KYU – Red belt

  1. Jodan oi tsuki – Stepping punch to the head
  2. Chudan oi tsuki – Stepping punch to the body
  3. Jodan age uke – Rising block
  4. Chudan soto uke – Outside block
  5. Chudan uchi uke – Inside Block
  6. Gedan barai – downwards block
  7. Chudan mae geri – Front kick to the body
  8. Jodan mae geri – Front kick to the head
  9. Chudan shuto uke – knife hand block
  10. Yoko geri keage – side snap kick
  11. Yoko geri Kekomi – side thrust kick

Gohon kumite

  1. 5 x Oi tsuki Jodan – opponent Age uke
  2. 5 x Oi tsuki chudan – opponent Soto uke
  3. 5 x Mae geri chudan – opponent Gedan bari


Heian Shodan